Fifth and sixth (final) day of clinic and surgery

On Thursday we saw 10 patients in clinic and performed 8 surgeries and on Friday we saw 3 patients in clinic and performed 6 surgeries. Overall we have seen 122 patients and performed 39 surgeries this week. Most of the surgeries have been to treat severe pelvic prolapse and large uterine fibroids.

We are very grateful for our Bambara to English interpreters!

We were able to scrub with Malian surgeons on many of the cases.

Cathryn was able to provide instruction for one of the patients going home regarding the Days for Girls kits that each postoperative patient received.

We toured the maternity unit and also met a family who had a baby last week who unfortunately has a significant birth defect. We are hopeful that the Pediatric surgery she will need is available in Bamako, the capital city.


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